448 A Normal State Leads to Rapid Growth in Life


At every stage, people’s states

relate to how much they will enter the truth

and how much they will gain.

Verse 1

Some are in the wrong state;

even though they’re seeking

and can read and listen and communicate,

but they won’t gain as much

as those in normal states.

Verse 2

If man remains always impure,

showing their corrupt natures

and their human notions,

they’ll be totally confused.

And it will affect their entry into truth.


Only sober minds can understand truth.

Only those with pure hearts can see God.

Empty yourselves, and truth will flow.


A normal state leads to rapid growth in life.

One can understand and enter truths,

comprehend useful things from God’s words,

provide for and serve others.

A normal state leads to rapid growth in life.

Verse 3

If people’s hearts are turbulent,

the truth is hard to grasp.

But they must understand it

to see their own states

and know the essence of their problems

to see their own nature.


A normal state leads to rapid growth in life.

One can understand and enter truths,

comprehend useful things from God’s words,

provide for and serve others.

A normal state leads to rapid growth in life.


If people’s states are fully right and normal,

they’ll have true stature.

They won’t slip and complain when things come up.

The way you seek each stage

and the state in which you seek

are things you can’t ignore.

Or there will be trouble.


A normal state leads to rapid growth in life.

One can understand and enter truths,

comprehend useful things from God’s words,

provide for and serve others.

A normal state leads to rapid growth in life.


When your state is normal,

you will walk the proper path,

you will do the right things

and quickly enter God’s words.

Only in this way can your life grow.

Only in this way can your life grow.

Adapted from God’s Fellowship

Previous: 447 What Is a Normal State?

Next: 449 The Manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s Work

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