295 The Original Mankind Were Living Beings With a Spirit

Verse 1

In the beginning God created mankind,

that is, He created mankind’s ancestor Adam,

tangible and fully formed, vital with life.

Adam awoke with God’s glory surrounding him.

Verse 2

Then God created the first woman—Eve;

He produced her from the rib of Adam.

She is the ancestor too of all mankind.

From God’s breath and glory Adam and Eve arose.


Oh, what a glorious day, glorious day,

when God created Adam.

Oh, what a glorious day, glorious day,

when God created Eve.

They were mankind’s ancestors,

his pure and precious treasure.

They were man and woman,

living beings with a spirit.

Verse 3

God handmade Adam full of glory and life.

A tangible perfection he was,

a creature given a spirit, a creature given a breath,

the representation of God’s image.

Verse 4

Eve was the second being with breath made by God,

full of life and endowed with God’s glory,

formed from Adam with the same image of God,

a living being with bones, flesh and a spirit.


Oh, what a glorious day, glorious day,

when God created Adam.

Oh, what a glorious day, glorious day,

when God created Eve.

They were mankind’s ancestors,

his pure and precious treasure.

They were man and woman,

living beings with a spirit.

They were man and woman,

living beings with a spirit.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. What It Means to Be a Real Person

Previous: 294 God’s Mercy Has Allowed Man to Survive Until Today

Next: 297 Mankind Has Ceased to Be What God Wants

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