Words on Serving God (Excerpt 76)

In the church, what kind of person is the most arrogant? How does their arrogance manifest itself? In which matters is their arrogance most revealed? Do you have discernment of this? The most arrogant people within the church are actually the evil and the antichrists. Their arrogance far surpasses that of normal people, even to the point of being devoid of reason. In which matters is this easiest to see? It is when they are pruned that their arrogant dispositions are most clearly exposed. Regardless of the magnitude of these antichrists’ evil deeds, if someone prunes them, they will become enraged and say: “Who are you to criticize me and lecture me? How many people can you lead? Can you preach sermons? Can you fellowship on the truth? If you were to take on my role, you would not be as good as me!” How does this sound to you? Do they have the slightest attitude of accepting the truth? If you approach being pruned like this, that spells trouble. It proves that you do not possess any truth realities, and that your life disposition has not changed at all. Can a deeply corrupt, old person like this be a leader or worker? Can they perform the duty of serving God? Certainly not, for such people are not even qualified to be leaders or workers. To be a leader or worker, at the very least, one needs to have a bit of genuine experience, to understand some truths, to possess some realities, and to have the most basic level of submission, which is to say, at the very least, one must be able to accept being pruned—only this kind of person is qualified to be a leader or worker. If someone does not possess any truth realities at all, and they still argue and resist when they are pruned, and do not accept the truth at all, and if such a person serves God, what do you think will happen? There is no doubt that they will resist God; they will not practice the truth, no matter what kind of work they are performing, and even less will they handle things according to the principles. Therefore, if people who do not possess any truth realities take on the roles of leaders or workers, they will certainly walk the path of antichrists, and resist God. Why is it that many leaders and workers are revealed after doing just a bit of their duties? It is because they do not pursue the truth, instead they seek fame, gain, and status, and as a result, they naturally embark upon the path of antichrists. As far as all of you are concerned, if you were given responsibility for a church and no one checked up on you for six months, you would end up walking the wrong path and doing as you please. If you were left to your own devices for a year, you would end up leading other people astray, and they would all focus only on speaking the words and doctrines and comparing who is better than who. If you were left to your own devices for two years, you would lead people before you, people would obey you and not God, and in this way the church would degenerate and become religious. What is the reason for this? Have you ever thought about this question? What path does a person walk when they lead the church in this way? The path of antichrists. Would you be like this? How long can you supply people with the little bit of the truth that you understand now? Can you lead people onto the right track of faith in God? If God’s chosen ones ask many questions, will you be able to answer them by fellowshipping on the truth according to God’s words? If you do not understand the truth, and all you do is preach some words and doctrines, then after listening to you a couple of times, people will have had enough, and when you keep preaching the words and doctrines, they will feel averse to it, and will be able to discern it—in which case, why keep preaching at them? If you are someone who possesses reason, you should stop preaching doctrines to other people, you should stop lecturing people from on high, you should stand on the same footing as others, and you should eat, drink, and experience the words of God together with them. These are all manifestations of people who possess reason. Those who are especially arrogant and self-righteous easily lose their reason, and insist on preaching the words and doctrines to others, or they try to show off by seeking out and learning more profound spiritual theories, and thereby become people who try to mislead others. Acting like this is resisting God. Are you clear on what the consequences will be if you keep on preaching in this way? Are you clear on where you will lead people? What kind of problem is this, when you walk the path of antichrists, lead people before you, and make them worship and obey you? Are you not competing with God for His chosen ones? This is bringing people before you who originally wanted to believe in God, to return to God, and to gain God, making them obey you and do as you say, and making them treat you as God. And what will the consequence of this be? These people originally believed in God in order to be saved, but ended up being misled by you—not only will they not be saved, they will also suffer perdition and be destroyed. By acting in this way, you are leading people astray, you are deeply harming them, you are forfeiting those who believe in God. What crime are you guilty of? How can you make it up to them? You tricked new believers into your own hands, you made them your lambs, they all listen to you, they all follow you, and in your heart, you actually think: “I am powerful now; so many people listen to me, and the church is at my beck and call.” This nature of betrayal within man unconsciously makes you turn God into a mere figurehead, and you yourself then form some sort of religion or denomination. How do various religions and denominations arise? They arise in this way. Look at the leaders of each religion and each denomination—they are all arrogant and self-righteous, and their interpretations of the Bible lack context and are guided by their own notions and imaginings. They all rely on gifts and knowledge to do their work. If they could not preach at all, would people follow them? They do, after all, possess some knowledge and can preach some doctrines, or they know how to win others over and make use of some tricks. They use these things to deceive people, and to bring people before themselves. Nominally, those people believe in God, but in reality, they follow these leaders. When they encounter someone preaching the true way, some of them say, “We have to consult our leader about matters of faith.” See how people need the agreement and approval of others when it comes to believing in God and accepting the true way—is this not a problem? What have those leaders become, then? Have they not become Pharisees, false shepherds, antichrists, and stumbling blocks to people’s acceptance of the true way? Such people are of the same kind as Paul. Why do I say that? The epistles of Paul are recorded in the Bible and have been passed down for two thousand years. Throughout the whole Age of Grace, those who believed in the Lord often read Paul’s words and took them as their criterion—suffering, subduing one’s own body, and finally possessing the crown of righteousness…. People all believed in God according to Paul’s words and doctrines. Over these two thousand years, so many people have imitated Paul, worshiped him, and followed him. They have treated Paul’s words as scripture, they have replaced the words of the Lord Jesus with Paul’s words, and failed to practice God’s words. Is this not a deviation? This is a massive deviation. How much of God’s intentions could people understand during the Age of Grace? Those who followed Jesus at that time were, after all, in the minority, and those who knew Him were even fewer in number—even His disciples did not truly know Him. If people see a little bit of light in the Bible, it should not be thought to represent God’s intentions, and less still should a little bit of enlightenment be regarded as knowledge of God. People are all arrogant and conceited, and they do not hold God in their hearts. When they understand a few doctrines, they strike out on their own, which leads to the formation of many denominations. In the Age of Grace, God was not strict with man at all. All the religions and denominations in Jesus’ name had some of the work of the Holy Spirit; as long as there were no evil spirits working within it, the Holy Spirit would work upon any church, so the majority of people were able to enjoy God’s grace. In the past, God was not strict with people, no matter if their belief in Him was genuine or false, no matter if they followed others, or did not pursue the truth, because He had already predetermined that, at the last stage, all those predestined and chosen by Him would have to come before Him and accept His judgment. If, after accepting God’s work of the last days, people still continue to worship and follow others, if they do not pursue the truth but instead pursue blessings and crowns, then this is unforgivable. Such people will meet the same end as Paul. Why do I often use Paul and Peter as examples? These are two paths. Believers in God either follow the path of Peter or the path of Paul. These are the only two paths. Whether you are a follower or a leader, it is the same. If you cannot embark upon the path of Peter, then you are walking the path of Paul. This is unavoidable; there is no third path. Those who do not understand God’s intentions, who do not know God, who do not seek to understand the truth, and who are unable to absolutely submit to God, must ultimately meet with the same end as Paul. If you do not seek to know God, or to understand God’s intentions, and you only strive to be able to speak the words and doctrines, and to preach spiritual theories, then you can only resist and betray God, for it is human nature to resist God. Things that do not align with the truth are guaranteed to stem from man’s will. Whatever stems from man’s will, regardless of whether it is good or bad in the eyes of man, disrupts the work of God. Some people think that even though they do not act in accordance with the truth in a few matters, they are not doing evil or resisting God. Is this right? If you do not act in accordance with the truth, then you are definitely violating the truth, and violating the truth is essentially resisting God; it’s just a different level of severity. Even if you are not classified as a person who resists God, God will not approve of you, because you do not practice the truth, and you only do things that are not related to the truth, and only act according to your own will. Even if those who do not pursue the truth do no evil, will they be able to cast off their corrupt dispositions? If they cannot rid themselves of their corrupt dispositions, then they are still living according to those corrupt dispositions. Even if they do not do anything to resist God, they cannot possibly submit to God, and God will not approve of such people.

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