Daily Words of God: Exposing Mankind's Corruption | Excerpt 341
Your lips are kinder than doves, but your heart is more sinister than that serpent of old. Your lips are as pretty even as Lebanese women,...
I have begun to take action to punish those who do evil, and those who wield power and who persecute God’s sons. From now on, the hand of My administrative decrees will ever be upon those who contradict Me in their hearts. Know this! This is the beginning of My judgment, and no mercy will be shown to anyone, nor will anyone be spared, for I am the dispassionate God that practices righteousness, and it would be well for you all to recognize this.
It is not that I wish to punish those who do evil; rather, this is retribution they have brought upon themselves by their own evildoings. I am not quick to punish anyone, nor do I treat anyone unjustly—I am righteous to all. I certainly love My sons, and I certainly hate those evil ones who defy Me; this is the principle behind My actions. Every one of you should have some insight into My administrative decrees; if you do not, then you will not have an ounce of fear, and will act carelessly before Me. You also will not know what I want to achieve, what I want to accomplish, what I want to gain, or what kind of person My kingdom needs.
My administrative decrees are:
1. No matter who you are, if you contradict Me in your heart, you will be judged.
2. Those whom I have chosen will be disciplined immediately for any wrong thinking.
3. I will put those who do not believe in Me to one side. I will allow them to speak and act carelessly until the very end, when I will thoroughly punish them and sort them out.
4. I shall look after and protect those who believe in Me at all times. At all times I will supply them with life by way of salvation. These people will have My love, and they will surely not fall or lose their way. Any weakness they have will only be temporary, and I will certainly not remember their weaknesses.
5. Those who seem to believe, but do not actually do so—who believe there is a God but who do not seek Christ, yet who also do not resist—these are the most pitiful sort of people, and through My deeds, I will make them see clearly. By way of My actions, I will save such people and bring them back.
6. The firstborn sons, the first to accept My name, will be blessed! I will surely bestow the best blessings upon you, allowing you to enjoy them to your hearts’ content; no one will dare hinder this. All of this is wholly prepared for you, as this is My administrative decree.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Utterances of Christ in the Beginning, Chapter 56
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