Daily Words of God: The Incarnation | Excerpt 106
The substance of God itself wields authority, but He is able to fully submit to the authority that comes from Him. Be it the work of the...
It has taken tens of thousands of years of history for mankind to get where it is today, yet the mankind I created in the beginning has long since sunk into degeneracy. Humanity is no longer the humanity I desire, and thus, in My eyes, people no longer deserve the name of mankind. They are, rather, the scum of mankind that Satan has taken captive, the rotten walking corpses that are inhabited by Satan and with which Satan clothes itself. People have no trust in My existence, nor do they welcome My coming. Mankind only begrudgingly responds to My requests, temporarily acceding to them, and does not sincerely share in life’s joys and sorrows with Me. Since people see Me as inscrutable, they give Me begrudging smiles, their attitude one of cozying up to one in power, for people have no knowledge of My work, much less of My will at present. I will be honest with you: When the day comes, the suffering of anyone who worships Me will be easier to bear than yours. The degree of your faith in Me does not, in actuality, exceed that of Job—even the faith of the Jewish Pharisees surpasses yours—and so, if the day of fire descends, your suffering will be more grave than that of the Pharisees when rebuked by Jesus, than that of the 250 leaders who opposed Moses, and than that of Sodom under the scorching flames of its destruction. When Moses struck the rock, and the water bestowed by Jehovah sprang forth, it was because of his faith. When David played the lyre in praise of Me, Jehovah—with his heart filled with joy—it was because of his faith. When Job lost his livestock that filled the mountains and untold masses of wealth, and his body became covered in sore boils, it was because of his faith. When he could hear the voice of Me, Jehovah, and see the glory of Me, Jehovah, it was because of his faith. That Peter could follow Jesus Christ was down to his faith. That he could be nailed to the cross for My sake and give glorious testimony was also down to his faith. When John saw the glorious image of the Son of man, it was down to his faith. When he saw the vision of the last days, it was all the more because of his faith. The reason why the so-called multitudes of the Gentile nations have obtained My revelation, and have come to know that I have returned in the flesh to do My work among man, is also because of their faith. All those who are smitten by My harsh words and yet are brought solace by them and are saved—have they not done so because of their faith? Those who believe in Me but who yet suffer hardships, have they not also been rejected by the world? Those who live outside My word, fleeing the suffering of trial, are they all not drifting through the world? They are akin to autumn leaves fluttering here and there, with no place to rest, much less My words of consolation. Although My chastisement and refinement do not follow them, are they not beggars drifting from place to place, wandering the streets outside the kingdom of heaven? Is the world really your place of rest? Can you really, by avoiding My chastisement, attain the faintest smile of gratification from the world? Can you truly use your fleeting enjoyment to cover up the emptiness in your heart, the emptiness that cannot be concealed? You might be able to fool everyone in your family, but you can never fool Me. Because your faith is too meager, you are still, to this day, powerless to find any of the delights life has to offer. I urge you: better to sincerely spend half your life for My sake than your whole life in mediocrity and busywork for the flesh, enduring all the suffering a man can hardly bear. What purpose does it serve to treasure yourself so much and flee from My chastisement? What purpose does it serve to hide yourself from My momentary chastisement only to reap an eternity of embarrassment, an eternity of chastisement? I do not, in fact, bend anyone to My will. If someone is truly willing to submit to all My plans, I would not treat them poorly. But I require that all people believe in Me, just as Job believed in Me, Jehovah. If your faith exceeds that of Thomas, then your faith will attain My commendation, in your loyalty you will find My bliss, and you will surely find My glory in your days. However, people who believe in the world and believe in the devil have hardened their hearts, just like the masses of the city of Sodom, with grains of windblown sand in their eyes and offerings from the devil in their mouths, whose beclouded minds have long ago been possessed by the evil one that has usurped the world. Their thoughts have almost wholly fallen captive to the devil of ancient times. And so, mankind’s faith has gone with the wind, and they are unable even to take notice of My work. All they can do is to make a feeble attempt at treating My work perfunctorily or to analyze it roughly, because they have long since been possessed by Satan’s poison.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. What It Means to Be a Real Person
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The substance of God itself wields authority, but He is able to fully submit to the authority that comes from Him. Be it the work of the...
It can be seen from experience that one of the most important issues is quieting one’s heart before God. This is an issue that concerns...
Work in the mind of man is too easy for man to achieve. Pastors and leaders in the religious world, for example, rely on their gifts and...
Anyone who does not understand the purpose of God’s work is one who opposes Him, and one who has come to understand the purpose of God’s...