God Himself, the Unique VII
Part Four
God Is the Source of Life for All Things (I)
What is our purpose in discussing these things? Is it to make people study the rules by which God created all things? Is it to encourage interest in astronomy and geography? (No.) Then what is it? It is to make people understand the deeds of God. In God’s actions, people can affirm and verify that God is the source of life for all things. If you can understand this, then you will be truly able to confirm God’s place in your heart, and you will be able to confirm that God is God Himself, the unique, the Creator of the heavens and earth and all things. So, is it useful to your understanding of God to know the rules of all things and to know God’s deeds? (Yes.) How useful is it? First of all, when you have understood the deeds of God, can you still be interested in astronomy and geography? Can you still have the heart of a skeptic and doubt that God is the Creator of all things? Can you still have the heart of a researcher and doubt that God is the Creator of all things? (No.) When you have confirmed that God is the Creator of all things and understood some of the rules of God’s creation, will you truly believe in your heart that God provides for all things? (Yes.) Does “provision” here have a particular significance, or does its use refer to a specific circumstance? “God provides for all things” is a phrase with very broad significance and scope. God does not merely provide people with their daily food and drink; He provides mankind with everything they need, including everything that people can see, but also things that cannot be seen. God upholds, manages, and reigns over this living environment, which is essential to mankind. That is to say, whatever environment mankind needs for each season, God has prepared it. God also manages the type of air and the temperature so that they may be suitable for human survival. The rules that govern these things do not occur by themselves or at random; they are the result of God’s sovereignty and His deeds. God Himself is the source of all of these rules and the source of life for all things. Regardless of whether or not you believe it, whether or not you can see it, or whether or not you can understand it, this remains an established and unassailable fact.
I know that the vast majority of people only have faith in the words and work of God that are included in the Bible. For a minority of people, God has revealed His deeds and allowed people to see the value of His existence. He has also let them have some understanding of His status and confirmed the fact of His existence. However, for many more people, the fact that God created all things and that He manages and provides for all things seems vague or unspecific; such people may even maintain an attitude of doubt. This attitude causes them to consistently believe that the laws of the natural world formed spontaneously, that nature’s changes, transitions, phenomena, and the very laws that govern it arose out of nature itself. People cannot conceive in their hearts of how God created all things and reigns over them; they cannot understand how God manages and provides for all things. Under the limits of this premise, people cannot believe that God created, reigns over, and provides for all things; even those who believe are limited in their belief to the Age of Law, the Age of Grace and the Age of Kingdom: They believe that God’s deeds and His provisions for mankind are exclusively for His chosen people. This is something I am most loath to see, and something that causes so much pain, because even as mankind enjoys all that God brings, they deny all He does and all He gives them. People only believe that the heavens and earth and all things are governed by their own, natural rules and their own, natural laws for survival, and that they are without any ruler to manage them or sovereign to provide for them and keep them. Even if you believe in God, you might not believe that all these are His deeds; indeed, this is one of the things most often neglected by every believer in God, everyone who accepts God’s word, and everyone who follows God. So, as soon as I begin discussing something that is unrelated to the Bible or so-called spiritual terminology, some people become bored or weary or even uncomfortable. They feel that My words seem disconnected from spiritual people and spiritual things. That is a terrible thing. When it comes to knowing the deeds of God, though we do not mention astronomy, nor do we research geography or biology, yet we must understand God’s sovereignty over all things, we must know of His provision for all things, and that He is the source of all things. This is a necessary lesson and one that must be studied. I believe you have understood My words!
The two stories I just told, though slightly unusual in content and manner of expression, told, as they were, in a somewhat special way, were My attempt to use straightforward language and a simple approach to help you gain and accept something more profound. This was My only goal. In these little stories and the pictures they paint, I wanted you to see and believe that God is sovereign over all creation. The goal of telling these stories is to allow you to see and know the infinite deeds of God within the finite confines of a story. As to when you will fully realize and achieve this result in yourselves—that depends on your own experiences and your own pursuit. If you are someone who pursues the truth and seeks to know God, then these things will serve as an ever more forceful reminder; they will grant you a deep awareness, a clarity in your understanding, which will gradually draw close to God’s actual deeds, with a closeness that will be without distance and without error. However, if you are not someone who seeks to know God, then these stories cannot do you any harm. Just consider them true stories.
Have you gained any understanding from these two stories? Firstly, are these two stories set apart from our previous discussion of God’s concern for mankind? Is there an inherent connection? Is it true that within these two stories we see the deeds of God and the thorough consideration He gives to everything He plans for mankind? Is it true that everything God does and everything He thinks are for the sake of mankind’s existence? (Yes.) Is God’s careful thought and consideration for mankind not very evident? Mankind does not have to do anything. God has prepared for people the air—all they need to do is breathe it. The vegetables and fruits they eat are readily available. From north to south, from east to west, each region has its own natural resources. Different regional crops and fruits and vegetables have all been prepared by God. In the greater environment, God made all things mutually reinforcing, interdependent, mutually strengthening, mutually counteracting, and coexistent. This is His method and His rule to maintain the survival and existence of all things; in this way, mankind has been able to grow safely and serenely within this living environment, to multiply from one generation to the next, even unto the present day. This is to say, God brings balance to the natural environment. If God were not sovereign and in control, then the environment, even had it still been created by God, would be beyond anyone’s ability to maintain and keep in balance. In some places there is no air, and mankind cannot survive in such places. God will not allow you to go to them. So, do not go beyond the proper limits. This is for mankind’s protection—there are mysteries within. Each aspect of the environment, the length and breadth of the earth, every creature on the earth—both living and dead—were conceived and prepared by God in advance. Why is this thing needed? Why is that thing unnecessary? What is the purpose of having this thing here and why should that thing go there? God already thought through all of these questions, and there is no need for people to think about them. There are some foolish people who think always of moving mountains, but instead of doing that, why not move to the plains? If you do not like mountains, why do you live near them? Is that not foolish? What would happen if you moved that mountain? Hurricanes and huge waves would come and people’s homes would be destroyed. Would this not be folly? People are capable only of destruction. They cannot even maintain the only place they have to live, and yet they want to provide for all things. This is impossible.
God allows mankind to manage all things and have lordship over them, but does man do a good job? Man destroys whatever he can. He is not simply unable to keep everything God made for him in its original condition—he has done the opposite and destroyed God’s creation. Mankind has moved the mountains, reclaimed land from the seas, and turned the plains into deserts where no man can live. Yet it is in the desert that man has made industry and built nuclear bases, sowing destruction everywhere. Now rivers are no longer rivers, the sea no longer the sea…. Once mankind has broken the balance of the natural environment and its rules, his day of disaster and death is not far away; it is inevitable. When disaster comes, mankind will know the preciousness of everything God made for him and how important it is to mankind. For man, living in an environment whose winds and rains come in their time is like living in paradise. People do not realize that this is a blessing, but the moment they lose it all, they will see how rare and precious it is. And once it is gone, how would one get it back? What could people do if God were unwilling to create it again? Is there anything you could do? (No, there is nothing.) Actually, there is something you can do. It is very simple—when I tell you what it is, you will know immediately that it is feasible. How is it that man has found himself in his current state of existence? Is it because of his greed and destruction? If man ends this destruction, will his living environment not gradually right itself? If God does nothing, if God no longer wishes to do anything for mankind—that is to say, if He does not intervene in this matter—then mankind’s best solution would be to halt all the destruction and allow their living environment to return to its natural state. Putting an end to all this destruction means putting an end to the plunder and devastation of the things God has created. Doing so would allow the environment in which man lives to recover gradually, while failure to do so would result in an ever more odious environment for life whose destruction would quicken with time. Is My solution simple? It is simple and feasible, is it not? Simple indeed, and feasible for some people—but is it feasible for the vast majority of people on earth? (It is not.) For you, at the very least, is it feasible? (Yes.) What is it that causes you to say “yes”? Could it be said that it comes from a foundation of understanding God’s deeds? Could it be said that its condition is obedience to God’s sovereignty and plan? (Yes.) There is a way to change things, but that is not the topic we are discussing now. God is responsible for every single human life and He is responsible to the very end. God provides for you, and even if, in this environment destroyed by Satan, you have been sickened or polluted or violated, it does not matter—God will provide for you, and God will let you live on. Do you have faith in this? (Yes.) God does not lightly allow a human being to die.
Have you now come to feel something of the importance of recognizing God as the source of life for all things? (Yes, we have.) What feelings do you have? Tell Me. (In the past, we never thought to connect the mountains, seas, and lakes with the actions of God. It was not until hearing God’s fellowship today that we understood these things have God’s deeds and wisdom within them; we see that even when God began creating all things, He had already imbued each thing with a destiny and His good will. All things are mutually reinforcing and interdependent and mankind is the ultimate beneficiary. What we heard today feels very fresh and novel—we have felt how real God’s actions are. In the real world, in our daily lives, and in our encounters with all things, we see that this is so.) You have truly seen, have you not? God does not provide for mankind without a sound foundation; His provision is not just a few short words. God has done so much, and even the things you do not see are all for your benefit. Man lives in this environment, within all things that God created for him, where people and all things depend on each other. For example, plants exhale gases that purify the air, and people breathe the purified air and benefit from it; yet some plants are poisonous to people, while other plants counteract the poisonous plants. This is a wonder of God’s creation! But let us leave this topic for now; today, our discussion was mainly of the coexistence of man and the rest of creation, without which man cannot live. What is the importance of God’s creation of all things? Man cannot live without the rest, just as man needs air to live—if you were placed in a vacuum, you would soon die. This is a very simple principle that shows man cannot exist separately from the rest of creation. So, what attitude should man have toward all things? One that treasures them, protects them, makes efficient use of them, does not destroy them, does not waste them, and does not change them on a whim, for all things are from God, all things are His provision to mankind, and mankind must treat them conscientiously. Today we have discussed these two topics. Ponder them carefully and contemplate them well. Next time, we will discuss some things in more detail. This concludes today’s gathering. Goodbye! (Goodbye!)
January 18, 2014
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