Christian Dance | "To Follow Almighty God Is the Greatest Blessing of All" | Praise Song

September 29, 2024


Almighty God is the Son of man who has appeared.

He expresses the truth and saves mankind.

We hear God's voice and return before Him,

and henceforth attend the feast of the heavenly kingdom.

We are watered and fed by the living water of the throne,

and our spirits are provided for and rejoice.

To come face-to-face before God is truly beyond our wildest dreams.

We eat and drink God's words, understand the truth,

and see clearly the darkness and evil of this world.

To follow Almighty God is the greatest blessing of all.

We cast aside everything to expend ourselves for God.


In experiencing God's judgment and chastisement,

our corrupt dispositions are cleansed.

We come to know God's righteousness and holiness,

and we are filled with fear and reverence for God.

God's word has conquered and saved us,

and in attaining the truth, we are filled with gratitude to God.

We do our duties with loyalty to satisfy God's intentions,

complete God's commission, and gain God's approval.

How fortunate we are to attain God's salvation in the last days,

and this is all God's grace and blessing.

In being able to love God this day, our satisfaction knows no bounds.

We offer thanks and praise to God.


Satan frantically suppresses and persecutes us;

God accompanies us through tribulations.

God's word guides us and gives us faith,

and we are no longer fearful before Satan.

God's word is full of authority and power

and leads us to triumph over the bondage of death and Hades.

Our faith is perfected through tribulations,

and we overcome Satan and bear resounding testimony.

We have enjoyed so much of God's love,

and we offer up our whole being to repay His profound love.

We will be loyal unto death and follow God to the very end,

and we will love and testify to God for all eternity.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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