757 The Warning of Job’s Testimony to Later Generations


Job’s faith, obedience, witness of beating Satan

have been a source of help and encouragement to people.

Verse 1

In Job they see hope for salvation,

that they can prevail over Satan

through true faith and obedience to God,

through true reverence for Him.

They see that as long as they obey

God’s sovereignty and His arrangements,

don’t forsake God even when they lose all,

they’ll bring defeat, shame upon Satan!


If people have the will and perseverance

to stand firm in their testimony,

even if it means losing their lives,

Satan will be cowed and retreat quickly.


Job’s testimony is a warning to later generations,

that if they do not defeat Satan,

they will not escape from

its accusations and disturbances,

nor its abuse or its attacks.

Verse 2

Job’s witness tells later generations

that only if they are perfect, upright

can they fear God and shun evil,

bearing resounding testimony.

Only with resounding testimony

can they be freed from Satan’s control.

They’ll live under God’s guidance and protection.

Only this will be true salvation.


Job’s testimony is a warning to later generations,

that if they do not defeat Satan,

they will not escape from

its accusations and disturbances,

nor its abuse or its attacks.

Job’s testimony is a warning to later generations,

that if they do not defeat Satan,

they will not escape from

its accusations and disturbances,

nor its abuse or its attacks.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 2. On Knowing God. God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself II

Previous: 756 Defeat Satan With the Truth to Be Gained by God

Next: 758 Blessed Are Those Who Love God

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