614 Your Entry Is Your Work

Verse 1

Work is not running around for God,

but living a life which will please Him,

using your devotion and knowledge of God

to bear witness and help other people.

This is the duty all men have,

a thing all men should understand.

Verse 2

Many spend their time focusing on

running around for God and preaching.

They overlook their own experience

and neglect their own spiritual entry.

This is what’s led those who serve God

to become those who resist God.


Your entry is your work.

Seek to enter while working for God.

Experiencing God’s work

isn’t just eating, drinking His words.

You must know how to witness and serve God,

and minister to other people.

It’s your entry, it’s your work.

It’s what every man should achieve.

Verse 3

One works to meet the will of God

and bring those after God’s heart before Him,

to present God’s work and guidance to man,

so the fruits of God’s work are perfected.

It’s crucial, then, to be thoroughly clear

and to understand the substance of work.


Your entry is your work.

Seek to enter while working for God.

Experiencing God’s work

isn’t just eating, drinking His words.

You must know how to witness and serve God,

and minister to other people.

It’s your entry, it’s your work.

It’s what every man should achieve.


For those who are used by God,

all are worthy of working for Him,

all have the opportunity

to be used by the Holy Spirit.


Your entry is your work.

Seek to enter while working for God.

Experiencing God’s work

isn’t just eating, drinking His words.

You must know how to witness and serve God,

and minister to other people.

It’s your entry, it’s your work.

It’s what every man should achieve.


When man does the work God gives,

it’s his chance to be used by God.

But what man says and knows

don’t match man’s stature.

And all that you can do is better know your flaws

and be more enlightened by the Holy Spirit.

And this way you will earn

better entry through your work.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Work and Entry (2)

Previous: 613 What It Takes to Lead the Church

Next: 615 How to Qualify to Be Used by God

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