253 God Is the Lord of All Creation


God once was known as Jehovah and also as Messiah,

and was called Jesus the Savior with esteem and love.

But He’s none of those anymore.

Verse 1

He is the God who has returned in the last days

and who shall bring the age to an end.

He has risen up from the end of the earth,

from the end of the earth.

Verse 2

He is replete with God’s disposition,

authority, honor and glory,

who appears to man in the last days

but is hidden among them,

but is hidden among them.


He lives with man, true and real,

like the burning sun and blazing flame,

with power and authority.

Verse 3

No single man, no single thing,

will not be judged by word of God.

And who shall not be purified

through burning of fire?


God left Judea because He is more

than Jehovah of Israel;

He’s the God of all creatures.

God appears among Gentiles in the last days

because He is also God of His chosen among them.

Verse 4

If the Savior arrived in the last days

in Jesus’s name, born again in Judea,

and did His work there,

it would prove He is just God of Israel,

just God of Israel.

Verse 5

It would show that God only made,

only redeemed the people of Israel,

nothing to do with, no power over any Gentiles,

over any Gentiles.


Would this not contradict God’s words,

“I am the Lord who created the heavens

and earth and all things”?


God left Judea because He is more

than Jehovah of Israel;

He’s the God of all creatures.

God appears among Gentiles in the last days

because He is also God of His chosen among them,

God of His chosen among them.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Savior Has Already Returned Upon a “White Cloud”

Previous: 252 Break Through Notions of Nationality and Ethnicity to Seek God’s Appearance

Next: 254 How Will You Meet the Return of Jesus?

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