229 The Bible Has Become an Obstacle to Man’s Acceptance of God’s New Work

Verse 1

In the Bible all want to find

prophecies of the work of the last days,

to discover what work God will do

and uncover signs of the last days.

Their Bible worship becomes more fervent,

and the closer it gets to the last days,

the more people believe in the prophecies,

especially about the last days.

Pre-chorus 1

With such blind faith and trust in the Bible,

they don’t seek the work of the Holy Spirit.


The Bible has become a great hurdle

to people accepting God’s new work,

and it makes it hard for God to spread

all of His new work, all of His new work!

Verse 2

Man thinks that only the Bible can bring

the Holy Spirit’s work and God’s footsteps,

that the Bible hides secrets of God’s work

and can explain all of God and His work.

They feel it can bring heaven’s work to earth

and both begin and end the ages.

With such notions, people have no desire

to search for the Holy Spirit’s work.

Pre-chorus 2

Though the Bible helped people in the past,

it’s become a hurdle to God’s new work.

Verse 3

With no Bible, people could look elsewhere,

searching for the footsteps of the true God,

but His footsteps are held by the Bible.

Spreading God’s new work is twice as hard.

Pre-chorus 3

It’s all because of the famous sayings

and prophecies in the Bible.


The Bible has become a great hurdle

to people accepting God’s new work,

and it makes it hard for God to spread

all of His new work, all of His new work!


People see the Bible as an idol,

it’s become a puzzle in their minds.

They can’t believe God can work exclusive of the Bible.

They can’t believe they could find God outside the Bible,

much less believe God could leave the Bible

during the final work and start again.

Pre-chorus 4

This is so unthinkable to people;

they can’t believe nor imagine it.


The Bible has become a great hurdle

to people accepting God’s new work,

and it makes it hard for God to spread

all of His new work, all of His new work!

The Bible has become a great hurdle

to people accepting God’s new work,

and it makes it hard for God to spread

all of His new work, all of His new work!

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Concerning the Bible (1)

Previous: 228 All Who Use the Bible to Condemn God Are Pharisees

Next: 230 How Could the Bible Bring People Into the New Age?

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