301 May You Always Stay in My Heart

Verse 1

You stay with me through spring and fall,

walk with me through heat and cold.

Seeing Your lonely countenance,

my heart wells up with much woe.

Verse 2

I’ve never known Your solitude,

never comforted Your hurt.

Facing Your heartfelt exhortations,

many times I am stubborn.


I always cause You hurt, always disappoint You.

I’m unknowing until Your chastening ensues.

I stick close by Your side, Your burden I can’t ease.

How can one with no sense know of Your suffering?


With dear love and true feeling, Your heart is most sincere.

Who could be fairer than You, who could be more revered!

Always in Your company, from You I’ll never part.

May joy appear on Your face, may You stay in my heart.

Verse 3

For my desires, for the flesh,

morals and truth I forgot.

When I’m overwhelmed with regret,

I’ve already broken Your heart.

Verse 4

No one understands Your sorrow.

Corrupt, I moan in miseries.

With greed I ask for things from You.

Who has sense to share Your worries?


I always cause You hurt, always disappoint You.

I’m unknowing until Your chastening ensues.

I stick close by Your side, Your burden I can’t ease.

How can one with no sense know of Your suffering?


With dear love and true feeling, Your heart is most sincere.

Who could be fairer than You, who could be more revered!

Always in Your company, from You I’ll never part.

May joy appear on Your face, may You stay in my heart.

Previous: 299 Awaiting God’s Good News

Next: 302 God’s Ways Cannot Be Fathomed

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