19 The King of the Kingdom Is Victorious

Verse 1

Lightning shines from the East as God starts to speak,

the whole empyrean is now lit

and all the stars start to transform.

All men are as if they’re sorted out.

Under the glow of the lightning from the East,

man’s revealed in their true colors.

Eyes dazzled, stymied in confusion,

they can’t hide their ugly features.


God has made a new beginning

in the great red dragon’s home,

and also started new work

in the universe He owns.

Soon earth’s kingdoms won’t exist,

they will become God’s kingdom,

’cause God has got victory

and has returned in triumph.

Verse 2

All men are astounded and waiting and watching.

Now, with the advent of God’s light,

all rejoice the day they were born

and curse this day at the same time.

Conflicting emotions, hard to articulate.

Tears of self-rebuke form rivers.

They’re gone without trace in a flash,

they’re swept past by the sweeping torrent.


God has made a new beginning

in the great red dragon’s home,

and also started new work

in the universe He owns.

Soon earth’s kingdoms won’t exist,

they will become God’s kingdom,

’cause God has got victory

and has returned in triumph.


Once again, God’s day is now fast approaching,

again rousing the human race,

giving mankind a point from which

they make a new beginning again.

God’s heart surges, and with the rhythm of His heart,

waves beat in time on rocky reefs,

mountains leap, waters dance with joy.

It’s hard to express what God feels.

Verse 3

God wants everything that’s evil and unclean

burnt to ashes under His gaze,

that the sons of rebellion disappear,

and that they don’t appear again.


God has made a new beginning

in the great red dragon’s home,

and also started new work

in the universe He owns.

Soon earth’s kingdoms won’t exist,

they will become God’s kingdom,

’cause God has got victory

and has returned in triumph,

God has got victory

and has returned in triumph.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God’s Words to the Entire Universe, Chapter 12

Previous: 18 When the Salute to the Kingdom Rings Out

Next: 23 God Reigns in the Kingdom

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