531 Man Is So Hard to Save

Verse 1

There are none who plan to walk this path for a lifetime,

pursuing the truth to gain life and to understand God,

to eventually live a meaningful life like Peter.

And so along the way, they deviate on their paths,

and they do not have a place for God within their hearts,

and the Holy Spirit no longer works within them.

Verse 2

They have set foot upon a path of retrogression.

All they’ve suffered, all the sermons they have listened to,

all the years they’ve been followers—all has been done in vain.

You must understand this is such a dangerous thing!

Going downhill is easy, but it is difficult

to walk the right road and choose the path walked by Peter.

Verse 3

It is true that most people are muddle-headed.

They can’t distinguish between the right path and the wrong.

After so many sermons and God’s written words,

they know He is God, but still don’t believe in Him.

They know this is the true way, but still can’t walk down it.

How difficult it is to bring people salvation!

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. In Believing in God, Choosing the Right Way Is Most Crucial

Previous: 530 God Most Detests Man’s Obduracy and Recidivism

Next: 532 Those Who Don’t Practice God’s Words Will Be Eliminated

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