325 Man’s Faith in God Is Intolerably Bad

Verse 1

Many follow God just to gain blessings or avoid disaster.

The moment they hear of His work or management,

they lose all interest.

They don’t see how something so dull could benefit them.

So although they’ve heard about God’s management,

they pay it little attention.


They don’t see it as precious and fail to receive it

as part of their lives.

These kinds of people have only one purpose

for following God,

which is to receive blessings.

So they cannot be bothered

if it doesn’t involve this.


Man’s relationship with God

is one of naked self-interest,

a relationship between a giver and receiver,

like a worker who works to be paid by his boss,

just deal, no affection,

no love given, no love gotten,

only mercy or just charity,

no understanding, just silent anger.

There is no closeness, only deception

and a divide that can’t be crossed.

Verse 2

Now things have reached this point,

is there someone who can change this?

And how many can understand how acute this relationship is?

When people get immersed in the joy of being blessed,

none of them can know how ugly and shameful

such a relationship is.


Man’s relationship with God

is one of naked self-interest,

a relationship between a giver and receiver,

like a worker who works to be paid by his boss,

just deal, no affection,

no love given, no love gotten,

only mercy or just charity,

no understanding, just silent anger.

There is no closeness, only deception

and a divide that can’t be crossed.

Man’s relationship with God

is one of naked self-interest,

a relationship between a giver and receiver,

like a worker who works to be paid by his boss,

just deal, no affection,

no love given, no love gotten,

only mercy or just charity,

no understanding, just silent anger.

There is no closeness, only deception

and a divide that can’t be crossed.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Appendix 3: Man Can Only Be Saved Amidst God’s Management

Previous: 324 The Despicable Intentions Behind Man’s Belief in God

Next: 326 The Saddest Thing About Mankind’s Belief in God

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