273 I Will Not Rest Until I Gain the Truth

1 I affirm that Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. I will not rest until I know God in this life! If I cannot bear my share of suffering, I can never be worthy of being called human. If I cannot repay God’s love, I cannot face Him. The Word appearing in the flesh is God Himself. He is the practical God, incarnate in the last days. Before time began, He predestined my birth in the last days. Through conquering and salvation, He has bestowed His life upon me. God has judged mankind’s sinful nature. He has laid bare their hideous and evil satanic countenance. I am disgraced, with nowhere to hide; I am utterly ashamed, and know that I am but a handful of dirt. I have nothing left to boast about. I prostrate myself upon the ground, my heart conquered.

2 I have come to know myself through God’s judgment, and seen my profound corruption and unworthiness to serve Him. God’s righteousness and holiness expose my disobedience, and I despise my own meanness and vileness even more. God’s very life is the truth. My heart thirsts for the truth; I will strive to make progress. Knowing God inspires me to pursue life. Living by His words is truly a great blessing. I am willing to dedicate my life to loving God; it satisfies me that I can bear witness for Him.

Previous: 272 To Live a Person Must Have the Truth

Next: 274 Recognize That Christ Is Forever the Truth

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