667 Man Does Not Understand God’s Good Intentions

Verse 1

People worry and fear the trials of God,

while they’re living in Satan’s snare,

in a dangerous place under Satan’s attack,

yet they remain calm. What’s going on?


Man’s faith in God is limited to only the things he can see.

He has no appreciation of God’s love and care for humanity,

but some worry and some fear of God’s trials and chastening,

His judgment, wrath and majesty.

Man has no understanding of God’s good intentions.

Verse 2

The mention of trials makes people feel

that God has ulterior motives.

Some even believe that God’s planning evil,

they’re unaware of what God will bring to bear.

Verse 3

So while crying out submission to God’s

sovereignty and arrangements,

they do all they can to resist and oppose

God’s reign and the plan that God has for them.


They believe that they must take care,

so God will not mislead them;

and if they don’t control their own fate,

then all the things they have, God could seize them,

and even their life could be taken away.


Man’s faith in God is limited to only the things he can see.

He has no appreciation of God’s love and care for humanity,

but some worry and some fear of God’s trials and chastening,

His judgment, wrath and majesty.

Man has no understanding of God’s good intentions.

Verse 4

Man’s in Satan’s camp but never fears

being abused, captured by Satan.

He says he accepts being saved by God,

but never trusts God or believes he’ll be saved.


Man’s faith in God is limited to only the things he can see.

He has no appreciation of God’s love and care for humanity,

but some worry and some fear of God’s trials and chastening,

His judgment, wrath and majesty.

Man has no understanding of God’s good intentions.


If man can submit like Job to God’s designs

and orchestrations and give his being into God’s hands,

like Job, in the end, he’ll get the blessings of God.

If man can accept and submit to God’s sovereignty,

what is there to lose?

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 2. On Knowing God. God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself II

Previous: 666 Those Tested by God’s Words Are Blessed

Next: 668 God’s Refinement of Man Is Most Meaningful

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