494 Reality Comes Only by Practicing God’s Words

Verse 1

God wants His work and word to bring

a change in your disposition.

His goal isn’t so you understand and have that be all.

People must experience all the truth in detail,

and explore and seek it in greater detail.

If people know God’s word but don’t put it into practice,

they do not love the truth and will be cast out in the end.

To be a 90s Peter, you should practice God’s word,

have true entry, gain greater enlightenment.

This will help your life even more.


The process of believing in God is the process

of experiencing His words, being gained by Him.

To believe is to know and understand His words,

experience and live them; this is the faith’s reality.

Verse 2

If you’ve read a lot of God’s words

but only know the text’s meaning,

and have no first-hand experience,

then you won’t know God’s word.

To you His words are not life, but just lifeless letters.

You will miss the essence, and will not know God’s will.

Only when you experience His word in your life

will the spiritual meaning open up to you.

Only in experience can you grasp the spiritual meaning

of many truths and unlock the mysteries of His word.


If you don’t practice God’s word,

no matter how clear it may be,

all you’ll grasp is empty letters and doctrines,

which will have become religious regulations.

Isn’t that just what the Pharisees did?

If you believe in God, hope for eternal life,

but don’t practice God’s word, you are truly foolish.


The process of believing in God is the process

of experiencing His words, being gained by Him.

To believe is to know and understand His words,

experience and live them; this is the faith’s reality.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Once You Understand the Truth, You Should Put It Into Practice

Previous: 493 Do You Wish to Be Fruit for God’s Enjoyment?

Next: 495 Practice the Truth for True Change

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