Daily Words of God: Knowing God's Work | Excerpt 156
That which involves visions primarily refers to the work of God Himself, and that which involves practice should be done by man, and bears...
In the past, many sought with wild ambition and notions, they sought as a result of their own hopes. Let us put aside such issues for the moment; what is of key importance now is to find a way of practice that will enable each of you to maintain a normal condition before God and gradually break free of the shackles of Satan’s influence, so that you may be gained by God, and live out on earth what God asks of you. Only in this way can you fulfill the intentions of God. Many believe in God, yet know neither what it is that God wants nor what it is that Satan wants. They believe in a muddle-headed way, simply going with the flow, and so have never had a normal Christian life; what is more, they have never had normal personal relationships, much less a normal relationship with God. From this it can be seen that the difficulties and shortcomings of man, and other factors that can thwart the will of God, are many. This is sufficient to prove that man has not yet got onto the right track of belief in God, nor has he entered into the real experience of human life. So what does it mean to get on the right track of belief in God? To get on the right track means that you can quiet your heart before God at all times and enjoy normal communion with God, gradually coming to know what is lacking in man and slowly gaining a deeper knowledge of God. Through this, your spirit gains new insight and new enlightenment every day; your longing grows, you seek to enter into the truth, and every day there is new light and new understanding. Through this path, you gradually break free of the influence of Satan and grow in your life. Such people have entered the right track. Evaluate your own actual experiences and examine the path you have pursued in your faith: When you hold those up against that described above, do you find you are on the right track? In what matters have you broken free from the shackles of Satan and from the influence of Satan? If you have yet to get on the right track, then your ties with Satan have not been severed. This being the case, will your seeking to love God lead you to a love that is authentic, single-minded, and pure? You say that your love for God is unwavering and heartfelt, yet you have not broken free of the shackles of Satan. Are you not trying to make a fool of God? If you wish to attain a state in which your love for God is without adulteration, and you wish to be fully gained by God and numbered among the people of the kingdom, then you must first set yourself on the right track of belief in God.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. What Viewpoint Believers Ought to Hold
Many believe in God, yet they don’t know what God desires. Many believe in God, but don’t know what Satan wants. They blindly follow the crowd, without a normal Christian life. They don’t have a proper relationship with others or God. This shows clear as day the many faults and troubles of man. This shows clear as day the many things that can thwart God’s will. This shows without doubt man is far from the right track of faith in God. This shows without doubt man has not experienced real life. The right track of faith in God means you always quiet your heart before God, commune with Him, and step by step, you know more of God and what you lack. Each day you gain new enlightenment, your longing grows, you seek to enter truth, you gain new knowledge and thus you’ll be freed from Satan’s grasp, growing stronger in life.
Are you on the right track? In what things have you cast off Satan’s shackles? Are you on the right track? In what things have you escaped Satan’s power? If you’re not on the right track, then your ties with Satan aren’t yet cut. If you’re not on the right track, can your love for God be pure and true? You say you love God, yet you are still bound by Satan’s chains. You say you love God, but aren’t you making a fool of Him? To be gained by God, to be numbered among His people, to purely love God, first set yourself on the right track. The right track of faith in God means you always quiet your heart before God, commune with Him, and step by step, you know more of God and what you lack. Each day you gain new enlightenment, your longing grows, you seek to enter truth, you gain new knowledge and thus you’ll be freed from Satan’s grasp, growing stronger in life.
Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. What Viewpoint Believers Ought to Hold
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