Daily Words of God: Entry Into Life | Excerpt 436
In order to restore the likeness of a normal person, that is, to achieve normal humanity, people cannot merely please God with their...
In the future, whether you are blessed or cursed will be decided based upon your actions and behavior today. If you are to be perfected by God, it must be right now, in this era; there will not be another opportunity in the future. God truly wants to perfect you now, and this is not a manner of speaking. In the future, regardless of what trials befall you, what events take place, or what disasters you encounter, God wishes to perfect you; this is a definite and indisputable fact. Where can this be seen? It can be seen in the fact that the word of God, through the ages and generations, has never attained such a great height as it has today. It has entered the highest realm, and the work of the Holy Spirit on all of humanity today is without precedent. Hardly anyone from generations past had such an experience; even in the age of Jesus, the revelations of today did not exist. The words spoken to you, what you understand, and your experience have all reached a new peak. In the midst of trials and chastisements, you people do not leave, and this is sufficient proof that the work of God has attained an unprecedented splendor. This is not something that man is able to do, nor is it something that man maintains; rather, it is the work of God Himself. Thus, from many of the realities of the work of God, it can be seen that God wishes to perfect man, and He is certainly able to complete you. If you have this insight, and make this new discovery, then you will not wait for the second coming of Jesus; instead, you will allow God to make you complete in the present age. Therefore, you should each do your utmost, sparing no effort, so that you may be perfected by God.
Now, you must pay no mind to negative things. First, put aside and disregard anything that makes you feel negative. When you are handling affairs, do so with a heart that searches and feels its way forward, a heart that submits to God. Whenever you discover a weakness within you but do not let it control you, and despite it, perform the functions that you ought to, you have made a positive step forward. For example, you older brothers and sisters have religious notions, yet you are able to pray, submit, eat and drink of the word of God, and sing hymns…. This is to say, you should devote yourselves with all the strength you can muster to whatever you are able to do, whatever functions you are able to perform. Do not wait passively. Being able to satisfy God in your performance of your duty is the first step. Then, once you are able to understand the truth and attain entry into the reality of God’s words, you will have been perfected by Him.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. On Everyone Performing Their Function
Don’t pay attention to negative things. Put aside what brings you down, leave all that behind. In all things and at all times, maintain a heart of seeking God, a heart of submission to Him. Being able to perform your duty to the satisfaction of God, that is the first step, that is the first step. When you’re able to understand the truth, enter the reality of God’s words, then you’ll be perfect, you will be perfect.
If you find you have weakness, but you’re not controlled, and still perform your duty, it’s a positive act. The elderly have religious notions, but you can pray and read God’s words, sing hymns and submit yourselves. Being able to perform your duty to the satisfaction of God, that is the first step, that is the first step. When you’re able to understand the truth, enter the reality of God’s words, then you’ll be perfect, you will be perfect.
No matter what you can do, what function you can perform, put your all into it, put your all into it. Use all the strength that you have, do not wait passively. Give it all to God, give it all to God. No matter what you can do, what function you can perform, put your all into it, put your all into it. Use all the strength that you have, do not wait passively. Give it all to God, give it all to God. Being able to perform your duty to the satisfaction of God, that is the first step, that is the first step. When you’re able to understand the truth, enter the reality of God’s words, then you’ll be perfect, you will be perfect, then you’ll be perfect, you will be perfect.
Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. On Everyone Performing Their Function
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