Daily Words of God: Entry Into Life | Excerpt 376
Regardless of how much truth one understands, how many duties one has fulfilled, how much one has experienced while fulfilling those...
This work being done among you is being carried out on you according to what work needs to be done. After the conquest of these people, a group of people will be perfected. Therefore, much of the work at present is also in preparation for the goal of perfecting you, because there are many people hungering for the truth who can be perfected. If the work of conquest were to be carried out on you and thereafter no further work were done, then would it not be the case that some who yearn for the truth would not gain it? The present work aims to open a path for perfecting people later. Although My work is just the work of conquest, the way of life of which I speak is nevertheless in preparation for perfecting people later. The work that comes after conquest centers on perfecting people, and the conquering is done in order to lay a foundation for the work of perfecting. Man can be perfected only after being conquered. Right now, the main task is to conquer; later, those who seek and long for the truth will be perfected. To be perfected involves people’s active aspects of entry: Do you have a God-loving heart? What has been the depth of your experience as you have walked this path? How pure is your love of God? How exact is your practice of the truth? To be perfected, one must have basic knowledge of all aspects of humanity. This is a baseline requirement. All those who cannot be perfected after being conquered become serving objects and will ultimately still be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone and will still fall into the bottomless pit, because your disposition has not changed and you still belong to Satan. If a man lacks the conditions for perfection, then he is useless—he is waste, a tool, something that cannot withstand the trial of fire! How great is your love of God right now? How great is your loathing of yourself? How deeply do you really know Satan? Have you strengthened your resolve? Is your life within your humanity well regulated? Has your life changed? Are you living a new life? Has your life outlook changed? If these things have not changed, you cannot be perfected even if you do not retreat; rather, you have only been conquered. When it is time to test you, you will be lacking the truth, your humanity will be abnormal, and you will be as low as a beast of burden. Your only attainment would be having been conquered—you would merely be an object I have conquered. Just as a donkey, once it has experienced the master’s whip, becomes fearful and afraid to act out every time it sees the master, you would merely be a donkey that has been conquered. If a person lacks those positive aspects and is instead passive and fearful, timid and hesitant in all things, unable to discern anything clearly, unable to accept the truth, still without a path for practice, and beyond that even without a God-loving heart—if a person has no understanding of how to love God, how to live a meaningful life, or how to be a real person—how can such a person bear witness to God? This would show that your life has little value and you are but a conquered donkey. You would be conquered, but that would merely mean you have renounced the great red dragon and refused to submit to its domain; it would mean you believe there is a God, want to obey all of God’s plans, and have no complaints. But as for the positive aspects, are you able to live out God’s word and manifest God? If you have none of these aspects, it means you have not been gained by God, and you are but a conquered donkey. There is nothing desirable in you, and the Holy Spirit is not at work in you. Your humanity is too lacking; it is impossible for God to use you. You have to be approved of by God and be a hundred times better than the unbelieving beasts and the walking dead—only those who reach this level are qualified to be perfected. Only if one has humanity and has a conscience is one fit for God’s use. Only when you have been perfected can you be considered human. Only the perfected are people who live meaningful lives. Only such people can testify even more resoundingly to God.
—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Only the Perfected Can Live a Meaningful Life
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