627 Holding to Religious Notions Will Only Ruin You


In God there is endless abundance and wisdom,

His amazing work and words are for man’s enjoyment.

Verse 1

Those with religious notions, who claim seniority,

who cannot put themselves aside,

find it hard to accept these new things.

The Holy Spirit has no chance to perfect them.

If a person won’t obey, with no thirst for God’s words,

then they have no means to accept these new things.

They’ll become more rebellious and crafty,

ending up on the wrong, ending up on the wrong track.


Starting today, God will perfect those

without religious notions, who set aside their old ways,

who long for His words and obey Him with a simple heart.

These people should stand up and serve God.

Verse 2

Through His work, God wants to raise up more people

who love Him and can accept His new light.

He’ll cut down religious ones who flaunt their seniority,

He wants no one, no one who resists change.

Do you serve by your own, by your own preferences,

or do what God requires?

Are you a religious official

or a newborn babe perfected by God?


Starting today, God will perfect those

without religious notions, who set aside their old ways,

who long for His words and obey Him with a simple heart.

These people should stand up and serve God.

Verse 3

Old religious notions can forfeit man’s life,

their experience can cause them to stray from God.

If you don’t put these things aside, they will block your growth.

God perfects those who serve and won’t lightly cast them out.


If you accept judgment and chastisement of God’s words,

put aside your old religious ways and rules,

cease to use old notions to measure God’s words of today,

only then will there be a future, a future for you.


But if you cling to old ways, if you still treasure them,

then there is no way you can be saved.

God takes no notice, God takes no notice,

God takes no notice of such people.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Religious Service Must Be Purged

Previous: 626 Those Without Humanity Are Unworthy to Serve God

Next: 628 Give Up Religious Notions to Be Perfected by God

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