56 Return

1 Before Your descent, I, alone, wept in darkness and pain. Before Your descent, I, arrogant, struggled in the mire of the dung heap. Before Your descent, I, debased, begged amid the demons and beasts. Before Your descent, I had sold my heart to the king of devils and was trampled by it. I was in despair, desperately hoping for the return of Jesus the Savior. Lightning came from the East, and I saw that Your words are the appearance of true light. I heard Your voice and came back before Your throne, gaining new life.

2 Your words are like a sharp sword; they judge and expose my satanic nature. Your essence is holiness; it reveals my unbearable filth, my insignificance and lowliness. Your disposition is righteousness; reverence for You arises within me and I will never dare resist You again. Your judgment is love, thoroughly cleansing my corrupt disposition. Oh, Almighty God! It is You who saves us, bringing us from the darkness to live in the light. You are Christ, the Savior; Your words are the truth, the way, and the life. It is You working to save mankind, bringing us the way of eternal life.

3 It is Your words that cleanse and save me, bringing me onto the path of light in life. Oh, Almighty God! Your holiness and righteousness deserve mankind’s eternal praise. We believe in You, follow You, and bear witness to You. This is our bounden duty. Oh, Almighty God! How manifold your loveliness! We will love and praise You always.

Previous: 55 We Are Fortunate to Meet With God’s Coming

Next: 57 God Is in My Heart

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