4 Praise Has Come to Zion


Praise has come to Zion,

now has appeared God’s dwelling place.

The glorious holy name spreads,

all peoples sing its praises.

Almighty God! Christ of the last days,

Head of the universe,

He’s the Sun shining on Mount Zion,

which towers over the universe.

God! We call to You in joy,

and we dance and sing.

You are truly our Redeemer,

the universe’s great King!

Verse 1

You’ve made a group who overcome,

fulfilled God’s management plan.

All peoples shall flow to this mountain,

all peoples shall kneel at the throne!

As the one and only true God,

You’re owed honor and glory and praise.

God’s people are watered and fed,

for the spring of life flows from the throne.

With each and every day the life changes,

new insights into God, new revelations.

Verse 2

Through experiences we gain

complete certainty about God.

His words appear to those who are right,

we’re indeed so blessed by God.

We commune with God, meet Him each day,

give Him power over everything.

Pondering His word, our hearts rest quiet in Him,

we receive His light.

Each day, in our actions, words, thoughts, and ideas,

we live within God’s word, see all things clearly.


Praise has come to Zion,

now has appeared God’s dwelling place.

The glorious holy name spreads,

all peoples sing its praises.

Almighty God! Christ of the last days,

Head of the universe,

He’s the Sun shining on Mount Zion,

which towers over the universe.

God! We call to You in joy,

and we dance and sing.

You are truly our Redeemer,

the universe’s great King!

Verse 3

God’s word guides the thread through the needle;

and things we’ve hidden inside

emerge, one after another,

out of the blue, come to light.

Don’t delay in communing with God,

who lays bare our thoughts and ideas.

Each moment we’re under the judgment of Christ.

In each part of us Satan lies.

In order to recover God’s sovereignty,

today His temple must be made clean.


Praise has come to Zion,

now has appeared God’s dwelling place.

The glorious holy name spreads,

all peoples sing its praises.

Almighty God! Christ of the last days,

Head of the universe,

He’s the Sun shining on Mount Zion,

which towers over the universe.

God! We call to You in joy,

and we dance and sing.

You are truly our Redeemer,

the universe’s great King!


For God to completely possess us,

we must struggle between life and death.

Our old selves must be crucified so that we

can be ruled by the life of Christ resurrected.

The Holy Spirit fights to reclaim us!

If we can work with God, deny ourselves,

He’ll cleanse us from within at all times,

reclaim all that Satan has held,

so we may be completed by God.

Do not waste time—live each moment within God’s word.

Be built up with saints, brought into His kingdom,

and enter into glory together with God.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Utterances of Christ in the Beginning, Chapter 1

Previous: 3 Kingdom Anthem
(III) All People, Shout for Joy

Next: 5 The Son of Man Has Appeared With Glory

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