Christian Sermons

19 related media

Why Do Christians Still Sin After Being Saved?

Although our sins are forgiven by the Lord, we have never been able to escape the bondage of sin, we often lie and deceive, we are stuck in the cycle of sinning and confessing, and we cannot keep the Lord’s teachings. So…

January 20, 2019

Does God Forgive All Sins of Man?

Does God forgive all sins of man? Read this article and you will know God’s attitude toward sinners and the way to escape sin.

October 13, 2018

How the Prophecy of the Lord Jesus’ Return Is Fulfilled

Brothers and sisters, since these prophecies have already been fulfilled, why then haven’t we seen the Lord Jesus descending upon a white cloud? Could it be that He has forgotten the promise He made two thousand years ag…

February 7, 2019

Why Does God Let Us Experience Trials and Refinement?

By Li TongMany Christians feel confused: God is love and He is almighty, so why does He allow us to suffer? Could it be that He has abandoned us? This question always used to puzzle me, but lately, through prayer and see…

May 25, 2019

God Answers Prayers - 3 Principles We Need to Master

Cheng ShiEditor’s Note: In 2021, larger and larger disasters have been occurring all over the world. During this difficult time, what we should be doing as Christians is praying, repenting, and asking God to give us fait…

September 28, 2018

What Does “No One Knows the Day or Hour” Mean?

Disasters are now a frequent occurrence the world over. And some people testify that the Lord has returned. However, some people believe that if the Lord had returned, no one would know. Is that really the truth? Read on…

May 7, 2020

Christian Sermons: What Is the Way to Everlasting Life?

By Zhong ChengAs Believers in the Lord, Do We Have the Way to Eternal Life?The Lord Jesus said, “But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in h…

June 25, 2019

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