Christian Dance | "Almighty God Truly Loves Me" | Praise Song

September 24, 2024


Almighty God truly loves me, and this I've experienced.

Every day God speaks and personally waters and shepherds people.

Eating, drinking, and enjoying God's word

makes my mind clear and my eyes bright.

In understanding the truth, I'm liberated in spirit and live before God.

God loves me, God loves me, and it's God's love that has captured me.

I cast aside everything to follow God,

I do my duty loyally to expend myself for God;

I follow God on life's bright path.


Almighty God truly loves me, and this I've experienced.

God's word exposes and judges people's corrupt dispositions.

In truly knowing myself, my disposition is changed.

I live out the likeness of a human,

attain God's approval, and my heart rejoices.

I love God, I love God, and it's God's word that has changed me.

I offer my true heart to Almighty God,

and no matter what He arranges or orchestrates,

I have no choice but to submit to God's arrangements.


Almighty God truly loves me, and this I've experienced.

God watches over me through persecution and tribulations.

God's word enlightens and guides me and gives me faith.

I understand God's intentions and bear resounding testimony to Him.

I follow God and testify to God; this is the path I wish to walk.

No matter the obstacles in my way,

God's love encourages me to strive onward.

I shall be loyal to God unto death to love God and testify to God.


Almighty God truly loves me, and this I've experienced.

I keep God's commission fixed in my mind and can delay no longer.

Spreading the gospel and testifying to God is of the utmost urgency;

I must actively cooperate with God to satisfy Him.

I must care for God, satisfy God, and repay God's love.

I must offer up my whole being to expend myself for God,

and do my utmost to complete God's commission,

so that God can be glorified as soon as possible.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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