English Christian Song | "Only God's Intimates Are Worthy of Serving Him"

September 30, 2024


Those who serve God should be God's intimates,

they should be pleasing to God,

and capable of the utmost loyalty to God,

capable of the utmost loyalty to God.

Whether you act in private or in public,

you are able to please God before Him,

you are able to stand firm before God,

and regardless of how other people treat you,

you always walk the path you should walk,

and give every care to God's burden.

Only people like this are intimates of God,

only people like this are intimates of God, intimates of God.


That God's intimates can serve Him directly

is because they've been given God's great commission and God's burden,

they can make God's heart their own, and take God's burden as their own,

and they give no consideration to their future prospects:

Even when they have no prospects,

they will always believe in God with a God-loving heart.

And so, this kind of person is the intimate of God.

God's intimates are His confidants;

only the confidants of God could share His restlessness, and His thoughts,

and although their flesh is painful and weak,

they can endure pain and forsake what they love

to satisfy God, to satisfy God.

God gives more burdens to such people,

and what God desires to do

is borne out in such people's testimony.

Thus, these people are pleasing to God,

they're God's servants who are in accordance with His intentions.

These people are pleasing to God, are pleasing to God,

they're God's servants who're in accordance with His intentions,

with His intentions.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. How to Serve in Harmony With God's Intentions

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