English Christian Song | "God's Love for Mankind Is True and Real"

June 10, 2024


God's love for mankind is mainly manifested

in the work He does in the flesh, in personally saving people,

speaking face-to-face with people, and living face-to-face with them.

There is no distance or pretense at all; it is real.

His salvation of mankind

was such that He was able to become flesh

and spend painful years with humans in the world;

it is all because of His love and mercy for mankind,

all because of His love and mercy for mankind.


God's love for mankind is unconditional and makes no demands.

What can He receive from them in return?

People are cold toward God, cold toward God.

Who can treat God as God?

People do not even give God the slightest bit of comfort,

and He has still not received true love from mankind to this day.

God keeps selflessly giving and selflessly providing,

God keeps selflessly giving and providing.

People do not even give God the slightest bit of comfort,

and He has still not received true love from mankind to this day.

God keeps selflessly giving and selflessly providing,

God keeps selflessly giving and providing.

from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Do You Know God's Love for Mankind?

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