English Christian Song | "The Authority of the Creator Is Immutable"

May 5, 2024


Although God has authority and power,

He's very rigorous and principled in His actions, and keeps His word.

His rigorousness, and the principles of His actions,

show the unoffendableness of the Creator

and the insuperability of the Creator's authority.

Though He is possessed of supreme authority,

and all things are under His dominion,

and although He has the power to rule all things,

God has never damaged or disrupted His own plan.

Each time He exerts His authority,

it is in strict accordance with His own principles,

and precisely follows that which was spoken from His mouth,

and follows the steps and objectives of His plan.

Needless to say,

all things ruled by God also obey the principles

by which God's authority is exerted,

and no man or thing is exempt from the orchestrations of His authority,

nor can they alter the principles by which His authority is exerted.


In God's eyes,

those who are blessed receive the good fortune

brought about by His authority,

and those who are cursed receive their punishment

because of God's authority, because of God's authority.

Under the sovereignty of God's authority,

no man or thing is exempt from the exertion of His authority,

nor can they alter the principles by which His authority is exerted.

The authority of the Creator

is not altered by changes in any factor;

similarly, the principles by which His authority is exerted

do not alter for any reason.

Heaven and earth may undergo great upheavals,

but the authority of the Creator will not change;

all things may vanish,

but the authority of the Creator will never disappear.

This is the essence of the Creator's immutable and unoffendable authority,

and this is the very uniqueness of the Creator!

from The Word, Vol. 2. On Knowing God. God Himself, the Unique I

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