2020 English Christian Song | "The Consequences of Evading Judgment"

May 29, 2020


Do you understand what is judgment and truth?

If so, then God exhorts you to submit to judgment.

Otherwise you’ll lose the chance to be commended by God,

or to be brought by Him into His kingdom.

God shall not spare a traitor who

claimed loyalty to Him but then betrayed.

Those like this will be punished

in their spirit, soul and body.

Is this not the revelation of God’s righteousness,

God’s purpose to judge and reveal man?



Those who only accept judgment

but can never be purified,

those who flee during judgment work

are forever rejected by God.

Their sins are more and worse than the Pharisees’,

for they have betrayed God and are rebels against Him.

Such men who are not worthy even to serve,

shall receive worse punishment lasting forever.

God shall not spare a traitor who

claimed loyalty to Him but then betrayed.

Those like this will be punished

in their spirit, soul and body.

Is this not the revelation of God’s righteousness,

God’s purpose to judge and reveal man?


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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