2023 English Christian Song | "The Consequences of Rejecting Christ of the Last Days"

April 25, 2023

Christ of the last days brings life,

the enduring, everlasting way of truth—

the path where all gain life,

where man shall know and be approved by God.

If you do not seek the way of life provided by Christ of the last days,

you’ll never gain Jesus’ praise or enter heaven,

for you’re a puppet, prisoner of history.

Those controlled by rules, shackled by history,

they’ll never gain life, the way of eternal life;

they’ll just have murky water

that they’ve clung to for thousands of years,

not living water flowing from the throne.

Christ of the last days brings life,

the enduring, everlasting way of truth—

the path where all gain life,

where man shall know and be approved by God.

Those without water of life will be corpses,

playthings of Satan and sons of hell.

How then, can they look upon God?

If you stand still and cling to the past,

if you make no effort to change what it is,

won’t you always be against God?

Christ of the last days brings life,

the enduring, everlasting way of truth—

the path where all gain life,

where man shall know and be approved by God.

The steps of God’s work are vast and mighty,

like surging waves and thunderous skies,

yet you await death idly.

How can you be known as a follower of the Lamb?

How do you justify your God as One who is always new and never old?

How can the old words bring you to a new age,

or lead you to seek God’s work and go to heaven?

Those words are just momentary solace,

not truths that give life or lead to perfection.

Is this not worthy of reflection?

Can’t you see the mysteries within?

Can you make your own way to heaven to meet God on your own?

See who is working now, saving man in the last days.

If you don’t, you’ll never gain truth and shall never gain life.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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