English Christian Song | "It Is Perfectly Natural and Justified That Created Beings Be Faithful to the Creator"

November 26, 2024


Everything about people comes from God, so it is perfectly natural and justified that created beings be faithful to the Creator. This is a supreme truth that people should always bear in mind! By being faithful to God, everything people gain from God is the truth, the life, and the way. Their gains are rich and abundant, especially plentiful, and overflowing. When humans gain the truth, the life, and the way, their lives become valuable.


When you are faithful to God, your time, energy, and costs that are sacrificed will be positively rewarded, and you will never have regrets. If people can achieve eternal faithfulness to God, what will be their ultimate destination? When people follow God and are ultimately saved, the destination they get is not to be cast into perdition and destroyed, but to remain as a new human being, to be able to continue living. If people continue to live, then they have the hope of seeing God. What a blessing it is!

from The Word, Vol. 6. On the Pursuit of the Truth I. What It Means to Pursue the Truth (14)

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