"Too Few People Are Compatible With God" | English Christian Devotional Song

March 14, 2020


God has done much work among man.

The words He spoke are many,

for the sake of man’s salvation,

for man to be compatible with God.

Yet God has only gained a few

on earth like-minded with Him.

So God says, man does not treasure His words.

For they are not compatible with Him.

The work of God is not merely so man can worship Him,

more importantly, so man can be compatible with Him,

yes, so man can be compatible with Him.


Those who are corrupted all live in Satan’s trap,

in flesh and selfish desires.

There is not one compatible with God.

There are those who say they are,

but they worship vague idols.

They acknowledge God’s name as holy,

but walk a path hostile to Him.

They talk with arrogance and are self-assured,

because they are all against Him,

incompatible with Him.

The work of God is not merely so man can worship Him,

more importantly, so man can be compatible with Him,

yes, so man can be compatible with Him.

The work of God is not merely so man can worship Him,

more importantly, so man can be compatible with Him,

yes, so man can be compatible with Him.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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