English Christian Song | "Only True Repentance Meets With God's Acceptance"

December 25, 2024


You let go of your wishes, your thoughts and views, and your old ways of doing things to practice the truth, and to truly change. That is what it means to truly turn yourself around. If you just claim to be willing to turn yourself around, but at heart, you are still clinging to your own wishes, abandoning the truth, and continuing with your old ways, then you are not truly turning yourself around. God does not listen to what you say—He looks at what you are thinking and planning. And when God sees that the basis and principles for your actions are still contrary to the truth, He will pass a true and accurate verdict on you. He will say that you have not turned yourself around.


When God passes this verdict on you, He'll no longer concern Himself with you. And when God does not concern Himself with you, your heart will be dark, and you'll lack enlightenment and illumination in all that you do, and you won't be at all aware when you pour forth a corrupt disposition, nor will you be disciplined for it. You will go on, numb and dull, and you'll feel hollow, and that you have nothing to rely on. Worst of all, you will continue to indulge in your arbitrary, reckless behavior, and you will continue to let your corrupt disposition swell and grow unchecked. That is what will happen.


The intentions of God are in His actions; He won't give you an obvious indication of them, nor will He explicitly tell you about them, but this doesn't mean that He has no stance on you. When somebody harbors their own personal intentions and plans when something befalls them, when they clearly pour forth a corrupt disposition—these are exactly the moments when they need to reflect on themselves and seek the truth, and these are also critical moments when God scrutinizes that person. Whether you are able to seek the truth, accept the truth, and truly repent—these are the moments that most reveal a person. What God needs from you is not your offhandedness, but an attitude of sincere repentance.

from The Word, Vol. 6. On the Pursuit of the Truth I. What It Means to Pursue the Truth (2)

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