English Christian Song | "Give All of Yourself Up to God's Work"
June 16, 2024
Now is the time when God's Spirit carries out His great work,
and the time when God commences His work among the Gentile nations.
More than that, it is the time when God classifies all created beings,
putting each one into their respective category,
so that His work may proceed more swiftly and effectively.
So, what God asks of you is still that
you offer up your whole being to all His work,
and He asks that you clearly discern
and make certain of all the work God has done in you,
and put all your strength into His work
so it can become more effective.
This is what you must understand.
This is what you must understand, understand.
Desist from fighting amongst yourselves,
looking for a way back, or seeking fleshly comforts,
which would delay God's work,
and delay your wonderful future.
Far from protecting you,
doing so would bring destruction upon you.
Wouldn't this be foolish of you?
Wouldn't this be foolish of you?
That which you greedily enjoy today
is the very thing that is ruining your future,
whereas the pain you suffer today
is the very thing that is protecting you, protecting you.
You must be clearly aware of these things,
so as to avoid falling prey to temptations
from which you will be hard put to extricate yourself,
and so as to evade blundering into the dense fog
and being unable to find the sun.
When the dense fog clears,
you will find yourself amid the judgment of the great day.
When the dense fog clears,
you will find yourself amid the judgment of the great day.
from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Work of Spreading the Gospel Is Also the Work of Saving Man
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