English Christian Song | "Manifestations of Dispositional Change"

October 13, 2024


How does dispositional change manifest specifically?

It begins with a change in a person's views on things—

it is when the numerous views on things of nonbelievers

that a person harbors change

as they gain an understanding of the truth,

and those views grow closer to the truth of God's words.

This is the first stage of dispositional change.

Through self-reflection and self-knowledge,

people can focus on practicing the truth.

By reflecting on the various intents, motives, thoughts and ideas,

notions, viewpoints, and attitudes that arise within them,

they can locate their problems, and begin to feel remorse for them.

Then, they can rebel against the flesh and put the truth into practice.


People whose disposition has changed

will come to cherish God's words and the truth even more,

and acknowledge that Christ is the truth, the way, and the life.

They will be more willing to follow Christ and submit to Him.

They will begin to love God's words,

and they will feel that they cannot do without His words in their real life,

that they need His words to provide for them, to guide them,

and to clear the way for them.

Their hearts will be filled with peace,

and when something befalls them,

they will unconsciously seek out God's words to serve as their basis,

and look for the principles and the path of practice within them.


When they reveal a corrupt disposition,

they will no longer be as they were before—intransigent, difficult to tame,

wildly aggressive, arrogant, insolent, and vicious—

instead, they will proactively reflect on themselves

and gain knowledge of their real problems.

Even if they do not understand

what the essence of their corrupt disposition is,

they will be able to quiet themselves, pray to God, and seek the truth,

after which they will admit to their problems

and to their corrupt disposition, and repent to God,

and resolve to comport themselves differently in the future.

That is wholly an attitude of submission.


When people gain hearts of submission to God,

whatever God says, whatever He requires of them,

whatever work He does or environments He arranges for them,

it will be easy for people to submit to it.

Their corrupt dispositions will not present such a great obstacle for them,

they will be easy to resolve and overcome.

At that point, practicing the truth will be effortless for them,

and they can achieve submission to God.

When someone can put the truth into practice

and truly submit to God, truly submit to God,

their life disposition has already undergone a change—a true change,

one that is entirely achieved through the pursuit of the truth.

from The Word, Vol. 6. On the Pursuit of the Truth I. What It Means to Pursue the Truth (1)

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