English Christian Song | "A Person's Fate in Life Depends on God's Sovereignty"

October 13, 2024


Were it not for the Creator's predestination and His guidance,

a life newly born into this world

would not know where to go or where to stay,

would have no relations, belong nowhere, and have no real home.

But because of the Creator's meticulous arrangements,

this new life has a place to stay,

parents, a place it belongs, and relatives,

and hence that life sets out on the course of its journey.


The materialization of this new life is determined by the Creator's plans,

and everything it will come to possess is bestowed upon it by the Creator.

The predetermination of a person's birth by the Creator

means that He will bestow upon that person all things necessary for survival;

and, likewise, the fact that a person is born

means they will receive all things necessary for survival from the Creator,

and from that point on, they will live in another form,

provided for by the Creator and subject to the Creator's sovereignty.


The births of people of all stripes are determined by the fates

the Creator has in store for them, the Creator has in store for them;

their births determine their fates in their present lives

as well as the roles they will play and the missions they will fulfill.

All this is subject to the Creator's sovereignty, predestined by Him;

no one can escape their predestined lot,

no one can change their birth, no one can change their birth,

and no one can choose their fate, no one can choose their fate.

from The Word, Vol. 2. On Knowing God. God Himself, the Unique III

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