English Christian Song | "The Human Heart Is So Treacherous"
April 20, 2023
Honesty means giving your heart to God,
being genuine in everything,
being open with Him in all things.
Don’t try to deceive people around you.
Don’t only do things to gain favor with God.
Honesty is purity in word and deed.
Don’t try to deceive either man or God.
Many would rather be condemned to hell
than speak and act with honesty.
So it’s little wonder God treats differently
those people who are dishonest.
God favors those who are absolutely honest.
God is faithful and His words are always trusted.
His deeds are faultless; never question Him.
God favors those who are absolutely honest.
God knows it’s hard for you to be honest.
You’re so clever at meanly judging others,
and you clutch your secrets to your bosom.
This makes God’s work so much simpler.
God will send you into disaster.
Then you will unswervingly believe His words.
God shall make you say these words,
“I believe God is a faithful God.”
Then you shall lament,
“Devious is the heart of man!”
Will you still feel triumphant then?
Much less will you be as abstruse and profound as you are now!
In front of God, some are prim and proper,
taking pains to be well behaved,
but they bare their fangs in the Spirit’s presence.
Would they count amongst the ranks of the honest?
God favors those who are absolutely honest.
God is faithful and His words are always trusted.
His deeds are faultless; never question Him.
God favors those who are absolutely honest.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs
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