Christian Testimony Video | "Knowing God's Authority and Sovereignty in Life"

August 31, 2020

The main character, a vegetable farmer, tries to deal with an infestation of his tomato plants by trying all sorts of different methods relying on his decades of experience, but to no avail. Then through praying and seeking, he comes to understand through God's words that all things are under God's rule. When he submits and experiences the situation, a lot of spiders suddenly appear in the field and eat all of the insects on his tomato plants in just a few days. He sees God's authority in a practical way and his faith in God grows. How does he get through it when, a few months later, diamondback moth larvae appear on his amaranth? What kind of real understanding does he gain of God's authority and sovereignty after going through that? Join us for Knowing God's Authority and Sovereignty in Life.

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