Christian Testimony Video "Loosening the Ties That Bind" | Based on a True Story (English Dubbed)
June 19, 2020
After gaining her faith in God, the main character becomes passionate about doing her duty and expending herself. However, she has been misled and corrupted by satanic poisons such as "Distinguishing oneself and bringing honor to his ancestors" and "Those with brains rule over those with brawn." She cannot help but go in pursuit of fame and status and she finds herself controlled by her arrogant disposition. She vies with her coworkers over power and gains, and she lectures and constrains other brothers and sisters, wanting to have the final word on everything. However, through the judgment and revelation of God's words, she gains some understanding of her incorrect pursuits as well as her corrupt disposition. Later, she is arrested by the police and subjected to the CCP's brutal persecution and forced indoctrination. Through this, she becomes able to discern the CCP's evil essence, and she deeply reflects upon and gains understanding of the great red dragon's poisons within herself; she thereupon begins to feel remorse, to detest herself, and to repent to God …
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