English Christian Song | "A Normal Relationship With God Is So Important"

August 12, 2024


In everything you do, you must examine whether your intentions are correct.

If you can act according to God's requirement,

then your relationship with God is normal.

This is the minimum standard.

Look into your intentions,

and if you find that incorrect intentions have arisen,

and you can rebel against them and act according to God's words,

act according to God's words,

then you will become someone who is right before God,

which in turn demonstrates that your relationship with God is normal,

and that all that you do is for God's sake, all that you do is for God's sake,

and it is not for yourself.


In all you do and all you say,

be able to set your heart right and act justly,

and do not be led by your feelings, nor act according to your own will.

These are principles by which believers in God must conduct themselves.

Small things can reveal a person's intentions and stature,

reveal a person's intentions and stature.

So, for someone to enter onto the path of being made perfect by God,

they must first rectify their intentions and their relationship with God.


Only when your relationship with God is normal can you be made perfect by Him;

only then can God's pruning, discipline, and refinement

achieve their intended effect in you.

This is to say, if people are able to keep God in their hearts

and do not pursue personal gain or give thought to their own prospects,

but instead bear the burden of life entry,

do their best to pursue the truth, and submit to God's work—

if you can do this, then the goals you pursue will be correct,

and your relationship with God will become normal.

Whether you can be made perfect or be gained by God

depends on whether or not the relationship between you and God is normal.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. How Is Your Relationship With God?

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