English Christian Song | "Submit to God Incarnate to Be Made Perfect"

July 28, 2024


The group of people whom God incarnate wants to gain today

are those who align with His intentions.

People need only submit to His work,

stop always concerning themselves with the wishes of God in heaven,

and stop always living in vagueness,

and making things difficult for God in the flesh.

Those who can submit to Him

are those who absolutely listen to His words and obey His arrangements.

Such people pay no mind at all to what God in heaven might really be like

or what kind of work God in heaven might currently be doing for mankind;

they fully give their hearts to God on earth

and they place their entire beings before Him.

They never consider their own safety,

nor do they ever make a fuss

over the normality and practicality of God in the flesh.


Those who submit to God in the flesh can be perfected by Him.

Those who believe in God in heaven will gain nothing.

This is because it's not God in heaven,

but God on earth, who bestows promises and blessings upon people.

People should not always honor God in heaven as great

while seeing God on earth as a mere average person;

this is unfair.

God in heaven is great and wonderful with marvelous wisdom,

yet that God in heaven does not exist at all;

God on earth is very average and insignificant, and is also very normal.

He does not have an extraordinary mind or perform earth-shattering acts;

He simply works and speaks in a very normal and practical manner.

He does not speak through thunder or summon the wind and the rain,

but He truly is the incarnation of God in heaven,

and He really is the God living amongst humans.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Those Who Truly Love God Are Those Who Can Submit Absolutely to His Practicality

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