English Christian Song | "Dispositional Changes Require the Holy Spirit's Work"

July 16, 2024


Whether people seek in earnest is not determined by how others judge them

or how the people around view them,

but by whether the Holy Spirit works on them

and whether they've attained the Holy Spirit's presence.

Moreover, it depends on whether their dispositions change

and on whether they have gained any knowledge of God

after undergoing the Holy Spirit's work over a certain period.

If the Holy Spirit works upon a person,

this person's disposition will gradually change,

and their perspective on believing in God will gradually grow purer.


Regardless of how long people follow God,

as long as they have changed,

it means that the Holy Spirit is working on them,

the Holy Spirit is working on them.

If they have not changed,

it means that the Holy Spirit is not working on them.

Even if these people do some service,

what drives them to do so is a desire to receive blessings.

Only doing service occasionally

cannot replace experiencing a change in their dispositions.

Ultimately, they'll still be destroyed,

for in the kingdom there will be no need for service-doers,

nor will there be a need for anyone

whose disposition has not changed to be of service

to those people who have been perfected and who are loyal to God.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God and Man Will Enter Into Rest Together

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