Christian Dance | "Such Joy in Church Life" | Praise Song

July 28, 2024

We brothers and sisters have come before God.

Eating and drinking His words is such a joy.

You speak of your experiences, and I share my understanding.

We brothers and sisters support and help each other.

The more we fellowship on God's words, the more clarity we attain,

gaining the enlightenment and illumination of the Holy Spirit.

Understanding the truth and reflecting upon ourselves,

we see our corruption and deficiencies.

Praying to God and seeking in earnest,

we speak to Him openly and from the heart.

God cares not how deeply we understand the truth;

He is glad whenever we speak what is in our hearts.

Church life brings such great joy; we gradually grow in our lives.

Christ's kingdom is our home. Those who love God praise Him forever.

We brothers and sisters have come before God.

Eating and drinking His words is such a joy.

We submit to the judgment and chastisement of God's words,

and accept being pruned and disciplined.

God arranges all manner of people, events, and things

to try and refine our faith.

We understand God's painstaking intentions,

and that everything He does is to help us attain the truth and life.

Through experiencing His words and practicing the truth,

we gain more truth and more reality.

We fulfill our duties and offer up our loyalty,

bearing good testimony to satisfy God's intentions.

Church life brings such great joy; we gradually grow in our lives.

Christ's kingdom is our home. Those who love God praise Him forever.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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