English Christian Song | "Suffering and Paying a Price to Gain the Truth Is Most Worthwhile"

January 5, 2025


Suffering a lot of pain and paying a price in order to gain the truth is always worthwhile, regardless of how much you gain. So, what do you need to suffer to obtain the truth? You must suffer through judgment and chastisement, trials and refinement, and being pruned, you must suffer the persecution and adversity that comes from following God. You must endure all of these hardships. If you can bear through all of them, then you can gain the truth. Right now, most people are willing to pursue the truth. They want to train in practicing the truth while doing their duties, and to gain the truth. Believing in God and doing one's duty is the correct path in life. It is right to choose this path, and it is the most blessed by God.


People can sincerely expend themselves for Him, and fulfill the duty of created beings—this is God's great grace and blessing. If you want to gain the truth and life, then you must lay down a foundation on God's words. This will allow you to embark on the path of pursuing the truth, which alone is the goal and direction in life. You are only truly one of God's chosen and preordained if you allow His words and the truth to lay a foundation in your heart. You should now determine the direction and goal that you ought to pursue in life, as well as the path that you ought to walk, and then you should calm your mind and work hard, expend yourselves, put in effort, and pay a price for that goal.


During this period, you must master the truths that believers in God ought to understand, and then enter into the truth reality, and accept God's judgment and chastisement, as well as His refinement and trials, and reach the point where you don't deny God, no matter what the circumstances. Furthermore, no matter who tempts and entices you, or how much fame, gain, status, or benefits someone offers you, you should not give up on your duty, or on what a created being ought to do. Even if later God does not want you, you should still pursue the truth, you should still seek to walk the path of fearing God and shunning evil. That way, the years you spent expending yourself for God will not have been in vain.


A person's life is only a few decades long, if you miss out on this optimum time to pursue the truth, your regrets will be useless. Some people are completely ignorant of what stage God's work has reached. The great disasters have come, and these people are still living in a dream, thinking that there's still a lot of time left before God finishes His work. They still covet fleshly comfort, without the smallest thirst for the truth in their hearts. In this way, they miss out on their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for salvation. There are many people who see God expressing all these truths, who know full well that God is doing the work of salvation, but they still doubt, have their own notions, and refuse to accept it. This kind of person is pleased with themselves, but when the great disasters come, they will be destroyed, and who will they have to blame for this?

from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Paying the Price to Gain the Truth Is of Great Significance

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