English Christian Song | "Those Who Pursue the Truth Are Truly Blessed by God"

October 14, 2024


Those who pursue the truth can accept the truth as their life,

they can cast off their corrupt dispositions,

put the truth into practice, and achieve true submission to God.

Those who pursue the truth will seek it

when things happen that are unclear to them.

They will no longer plot for their own sake and they will shun all evil,

with a heart that is compatible with God.

Those who pursue the truth submit ever more to God, submit ever more to God,

and they can fear God and shun evil, living ever more as man is meant to.

Those who pursue the truth submit ever more to God, submit ever more to God,

and they can fear God and shun evil, living ever more as man is meant to.


The more that those who pursue the truth understand it,

the more they love God and feel how precious the truth is.

They're willing to accept God's judgment and chastisement,

and no matter how many hardships they endure,

they're resolved to pursue the truth and gain it.

This means that they have embarked on the path of salvation and perfection,

and that they can achieve compatibility with God.

Most importantly, they are able to submit to God,

they are able to submit to God,

they have returned to their original stations as created beings,

and they have God-fearing hearts.

They can rightfully gain God's leadership, guidance, and blessings,

and God no longer spurns them.

What a wonderful thing!


Those who walk the road of pursuing the truth

can accept the truth and submit to it.

They can cast off Satan's corrupt disposition,

they can cast off Satan's corrupt disposition,

they are willing to forsake everything

to perform their duties well and repay God's love,

and they are able to become people who submit to and worship God,

who submit to and worship God.

A person who's willing to submit to God, and who does so absolutely,

has completely returned to the original station of a created being,

and they can submit to God's orchestrations and arrangements.

This means that they are possessed of fundamental human likeness.

What does true human likeness refer to?

It's when a person submits to and fears the Creator, like Job and Peter did.

Such are they who God truly blesses, such are they who God truly blesses.

from The Word, Vol. 6. On the Pursuit of the Truth I. What It Means to Pursue the Truth (1)

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