Christian Dance | "Time" | Praise Song

August 11, 2024

A lonely soul has traveled here from far away.

Seeking the past, probing the future,

it toils arduously, in pursuit of a dream.

It knows not whence it comes or whither it is going.

Born in tears, fading in despair,

it holds on though trampled underfoot.

Your coming puts an end to an afflicted life, a life adrift.

I catch sight of hope and welcome the light of dawn.

Gazing out into the misty distance, I glimpse Your shape.

That is the radiance of Your face.

Yesterday I drifted in a foreign land, today I've found my way home.

Riddled with wounds, bearing no human likeness,

I lament that human life is nothing but a dream.

Your coming puts an end to an afflicted life, a life adrift.

No longer wandering, no longer lost, I have arrived home.

I see Your white robe, I see the radiance of Your face.

Your coming puts an end to an afflicted life, a life adrift.

No longer wandering, no longer lost, I have arrived home.

I see Your white robe, I see the radiance of Your face.

So many cycles of rebirth, so many years of waiting,

and now the Almighty has come.

The lonely soul is no longer sad, it has found its way.

A dream of thousands of years.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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