English Christian Song | "The True Meaning of God's Words Has Never Been Understood"

April 9, 2020


Humans don’t know how to enjoy

their destined blessings in God’s hands,

for they can’t tell suffering from blessing.

So they’re not true in their quest for God.

If tomorrow doesn’t happen,

which of you, standing before God,

would be white as the driven snow,

like pure jade with no single spot?

Surely your love for God can’t be

exchanged by a delicious meal

or be exchanged by classy clothes

or a high office with handsome pay?

Can it be swapped for others’ love

or abandoned because of trials?

Surely tribulation won’t cause

complaints against the plans of God?


No man has truly understood

the sword that is inside God’s mouth.

He knows only surface meaning,

the inner meaning he can’t figure out.

If human beings truly saw

the true sharpness of God’s sword,

they would go scurrying like rats,

going right back into their holes.

Too numb to know the truth of God’s words,

they have no clue the strength of them,

how much their corruption is judged,

or how much their nature’s revealed.

Based on half-baked ideas on God’s words,

most have an attitude that is lukewarm.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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