English Christian Song | "Truth Is the Highest of All Life's Aphorisms"

May 24, 2024


The truth is the most practical of life's aphorisms,

and the highest of such aphorisms among man.

Because it's the requirement God makes of man,

and is the work personally done by God,

thus it is called "life's aphorism," "life's aphorism."

It's not an aphorism summed up from something,

nor is it a famous quote from a great figure.

Instead, it is the utterance to mankind

from the Sovereign of the heavens and earth and all things.

It's not some words summed up by man,

but the inherent life of God.

And so it's called "the highest of all life's aphorisms."


People's pursuit of practicing the truth is the performance of their duty—

that is to say, it is the pursuit of satisfying God's requirement.

The essence of this requirement is the most realistic of all truths,

rather than empty doctrine achievable by no man,

rather than empty doctrine achievable by no man.

People's pursuit of practicing the truth is the performance of their duty—

that is to say, it is the pursuit of satisfying God's requirement.

The essence of this requirement is the most realistic of all truths,

rather than empty doctrine achievable by no man,

rather than empty doctrine achievable by no man.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Only Those Who Know God and His Work Can Satisfy God

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