2022 English Christian Song | "The Effect of Understanding God’s Disposition"

August 24, 2022

Knowing God’s essence is no small matter.

You must understand His disposition.

Then you will slowly know His essence.

This knowledge will take you to a higher state.

You will come to feel ashamed for your hideous soul,

with nowhere to hide from your shame.

Then in your conduct you’ll do fewer things that offend God’s disposition.

Your heart will come closer to God’s own heart,

and slowly your heart will grow love for Him.

This is a sign of humanity coming into a beautiful state.

But you have not yet attained this.

You all rush about for your fate, with no interest in God’s essence.

If you keep this up, you will transgress against God’s decrees,

since you understand so very little of God’s disposition.

Aren’t you now laying down a foundation for you to offend God’s disposition?

God’s asking you to come to understand His disposition

doesn’t clash with His work,

for if you often act against His decrees,

who will escape His punishment?

Wouldn’t God’s work be in vain then?

So this is the reason God asks you

to be mindful of your conduct, be careful with the steps you take.

This is the higher demand that God makes of you,

that should be considered earnestly.

Should a day come when the things you do provoke rage in God,

the consequence will be yours alone,

with no one else to be punished in your place.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs


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